The Manhattan Express Features DTR Pop Artist, Taylor Smith

As seen in Manhattan Express on June 2nd, 2023. Article by Avalon Ashley Bellos.

In the mind of an artist, memory is the foundation of our past and the catalyst for the future – a tool to enable the creative process. For artist Taylor Smith, the essence of memory plays a starring role in her body of work. Confronting the fleeting concept of time, truth, and consumerism, Smith lends new life to the past while also giving a modern twist to the power of pop art. 

Smith uses ‘floppy disks’ to create her entirely new form of pop art. She poses the powerful questions with uses of these materials from our past, adding to the draw of her creations. Each of her works are layered with meaning, depth, and intensity. Smith boldly calls attention to the modern addiction to preservation, consumption and creates beautifully colored artworks of nostalgia. 

See her works on view in our Boston gallery and click the link to read more about DTR’s newly represented artist:


Banksy ‘From the Streets to Spotlight’


Contemporary Icon, Damien Hirst