Interview with Houben R.T., Cover Artist for Dan’s Papers

This week’s patriotic cover art displays artist Houben R.T.’s work, “1 Dollar Statue of Liberty” (2023, acrylic paints, acrylic markers and foil, 48” x 36”). Houben is a Bulgarian emigrant, now living and working in Brooklyn. He creates works that are sought after among art dealers and collectors and have been exhibited in several museum and gallery shows.

Avalon Bellos, one of our DTR Modern New York Gallery Directors, discusses Houben’s iconic style and his impressive career with Dan’s Papers journalist, David Taylor.

Houben is a multifaceted artist with a deep understanding of classical themes with modern application. With a unique approach to art-making, he maintains an alchemist’s attitude towards painting by creating pigments, which he grinds himself — a process he undergoes in homage to raw color and its intrinsic impact. The subject matter for his paintings is derived from old currencies and coins from the U.S. and other countries around the world.

Houben’s paintings are about the foundation of a society in relation to its history and propaganda. As Andy Warhol used celebrity as a motif of consumerism in the American culture — focusing on products — Houben uses currency to denote the power of the financial industry. This is a standout in the current art market as a cerebral approach to the obsession with wealth and innovation.

Notably, Houben displayed at the 54th Venice Biennale and continues to be a strong artist of DTR Modern Galleries, after 17 years of partnership. You may view his artwork at any of our five gallery locations, or see his catalog of available works here: Houben R.T.


Op Art with Le Parc


Kralik Currency with the Manhattan Express