The Mythical Hero of Art, Clarence James

As seen in Manhattan Express on June 2nd, 2023. Article by Avalon Ashley Bellos.

Clarence James is labeled ‘A Mythical Hero of Art,’ in this week’s edition of the Manhattan Express. James encompasses the same three elements as the mythical hero: ‘the challenge, the transformation and the ethereal return.” Using a vibrant color palette and consistent brushstrokes, James tells a story through his creations.

Inspired by the likes of Basquiat, Picasso, Kandinsky, James reinvented his own brand for street art. Telling stories with his wildly layered approach to the canvas, a strike of blue to exude hope, sorry, calmness, and then zig zags of red and yellow to speak to perseverance and passion. In his narrative of color and devotion to the human story, Clarence James is an artistic force to be reckoned with.

James has been progressing through the art world at a fast pace. Partnering and collaborating with other DTR Modern artist Halim Flowers to gain exposure, he now has held a solo exhibition at the world renowned National Arts Club in NYC, is collected by art professionals at art fairs such as LA Art Fair, and continuously sold in all five of our gallery locations. James is an accomplished painter but also an influential storyteller.

See below for more works in our collection of his and click to read the full article:

Click the link below to read the full article.


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