Art by Mr. Brainwash on the Cover of Dan’s Papers

In January’s issue of Dan’s Papers, we have cover art by Mr. Brainwash. A man of many artistic inspirations and endeavors, Brainwash has stood out as a leader in street and contemporary art. After the 2010 Oscar-nominated documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, Brainwash has made it onto the world stage. Collected by many famous figures, designing album covers for Madonna, opening his own Mr. Brainwash Museum, producing books such as The Franchise of the Mind, and more, he is a worldwide artistic phenomenon.  

Mr. Brainwash describes the art he brings to today’s masses as “innovative and fearless,” utilizing elements from pop art’s history, as well as his own origin in the street art world. Many of his irreverent pieces available at DTR Modern bear a resemblance to walls covered in graffiti and copyrighted images with positive messages of beauty and love.

“Art has no walls. Anybody can be an artist,” he says. “Art has no rules. There’s no manual.”

Click here to read the full article in Dan’s Papers below.


Art Talk with Avalon Bellos and Artist Halim Flowers


Dan’s Papers: Clarence James at the National Arts Club